How to solve Deployment Failure-assets:precompile
I was trying to deploy rails 6 app on ec2 server using capistrano when precompile failure lead to whole deploymentt failure. I had to uninstall cmdtest and i...
I was trying to deploy rails 6 app on ec2 server using capistrano when precompile failure lead to whole deploymentt failure. I had to uninstall cmdtest and i...
How to Sort an Array of Objects in JavaScript
It could be quite challenging to work from home without serious commitment and right set of skills. Here are some effective tips that can help you.
Anyone wanting to learn programming in 2019 for professional career should start with javascript for full stack need, python for data science and c# for gaming
6 awesome git tricks you should be using in 2019
List of git commands you can use
Pry like debugger for Sidekiq
Are you missing ftp in cli of mac os? Here is how you can get FTP and Telnet back in High Sierra?
How to copy to clipboard using jquery
How to have same enum values for multiple columns in rails
Devise - create confirmed user account without sending out an email?
How to make rubocop ignore comments using regex
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Quickly install powerline fonts on ubuntu 17.04.
Best way to share your code locally with non-core member using git, ruby/node/python.
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Guake like dropdown terminal in mac os with iterm2 3.2.7
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Alternative of .includes() in Internet Explorer
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Generate an application with a specific Rails version
Making Rbenv Work With Zsh
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If background tasks are failing after you terminate your old utility instance serving redis or other such features, you should try restarting unicorn server.
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How to automatically run pending migrations while running rspec in all versions of rails
Test Driven Development in ruby using rspec
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Installing Nokogiri gem less painfully
Ecommerce using solidus (spree’s alternative)
RUBY: when to prefer eql? over ==
Display Current Branch Name in Terminal
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How to know if node version you are using is LTS release
Quickly See the Ruby Version and Gemset Currently in Use
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Manage people effectively by serving them (note from the book “one minute manager”).
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A must read if you have doubt about your estimating skills.
An ExtremeProgrammingPractice in which two engineers participate in one development effort at one workstation. Each member performs the action the other is n...
Let’s talk about debugging strategies with a bit of humour.
Debate regarding combined variable declaration and individual variable declaration in js.
small discussion on how to reduce global variables in js
We all know about DRY but time and again we can find duplication in our code. Here we talk about four types of duplication: imposed, inadvertent, impatient a...
In this post we learn to setup nginx to allow embedding font from 3rd party url in our rails app.
Why we don’t need to enter port number in a browser address bar.
Chitika has not officially approved responsive design yet but we can tweak it’s script safely to serve responsive ads on our site.