Scrapping kaymu products using NOKOGIRI
It’s saturday morning and I have nothing interesting to do. So I thought of scraping Kaymu and list out products and their price using ruby. I targeted raspberry pi for this exercise.
Libraries I used are:
Here is the commented script:
# requiring dependencies
require 'nokogiri'
require 'httparty'
require 'pry'
# kaymu url to search raspberry pi and list them in ascending order of price
SITE = ""
# hitting the url to get data
page = HTTParty.get(SITE)
parse_page = Nokogiri::HTML(page)
products_array = []
# acquiring required data using Nokogiri's css methods
parse_page.css('.row-products .product').each do |product|
products_array.push({item: product.css('h3').text, price: product.css('.price').text})
p products_array
{:item => "Raspberry Pi Lcd 3.5 inch", :price => "Rs 3,500 "},
{:item => "Raspberry Pi 3.5” TFT with Touch Screen", :price => "Rs 3,970 "},
{:item => "Raspberry Pi - 2 Camera", :price => "Rs 4,669 "},
{:item => "Raspberry PI Model B+", :price => "Rs 5,900 "},
{:item => "Raspberry Pi Model B+", :price => "Rs 6,330 "},
{:item => "Raspberry Pi-2 B Plus with Casing", :price => "Rs 6,899 "},
{:item => "5 inch HDMI Touch Screen for Raspberry Pi", :price => "Rs 7,200 "},
{:item => "Raspberry Pi 3", :price => "Rs 7,300 "},
{:item => "Raspberry Pi 3 (Made in UK)", :price => "Rs 8,299 "},
{:item => "Raspberry Pi 3 Model B", :price => "Rs 8,500 "}
If you want to learn scrapping yourself, you can follow better tutorial here.
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